According to the word demystify means to make less mysterious or remove the mystery from; “let’s demystify the event by explaining what it is all about.” The crusade to demystify Type 1 Diabetes is a direct response to the lack of knowledge in the general public regarding the actual disease of Type 1 Diabetes and how lives are altered once a diagnosis has been made.It is also an attempt to educate people regarding the general lack of respect that some people living with Type 1 Diabetes, and their caregivers, deal with on a daily basis.Once Type 1 Diabetes is demystified then the inappropriate questions, unsolicited advice, and general ignorance can be put behind us and we can talk about Type 1 Diabetes and the people that have it with the respect that they both deserve.
All posts are written by Leslie Guarino. Please request permission of the author prior to quoting in published news sources. Permission is granted for reposting on facebook and other social media sites.
Hi Leslie, My name is Leslie, too, and I have a 5 year old daughter with T1 who was diagnosed at age 3. Your posts are sounding very familiar to me; you could be writing my words! Keep posting; education is so important!
This is a fantastic, informative blog.
Leslie, This is great! My son has had Type 1 diabetes for 20 years. I am still amazed at how ignorant people are, especially medical professionals. It is very difficult for me now that my son is grown and living on his own. I think that I taught him well, but I know that he is not in very good control now. I went to visit him, and he thought that I was a real nag. But I was shocked when I saw his glucose readings. I cried when I saw the scars on his face from falling down stairs when his blood sugar was very low. I love him so much, and it hurts that he doesn’t tell me that these incidents have occurred. I ask him about his diabetes, and he just tells me that it is fine.
Hi Leslie, I just met your Mom while walking my dog and she told me about this wonderful web site that you have. It is very informative. I am going to pass it around to everyone that I know here. My sister’s son has Type 1 Diabetes, he was diagnsied 2 years ago when he was 6 years old. He is doing well. But she encounters the same problems that you have with the school and the teachers and the aides. She has given multiple inservices to the staff but somehow they forget! I look forward to reading your comments.
how do I sign up Leslie
That’s so funny Bern. The woman I wrote it about hadn’t read it this morning before she came to the pool, but the other mom read it and said she cried. It’s for all of us.
You speak from the heart what is on our minds… you rock!
Leslie todays post “She gets it” hit me so hard!!! I cried! It was awesome
Thanks so much for doing this
You guys are the best!
Just now getting on! Been too sick to check out the site. Looks great Leslie!!!
Thanks everyone! Your support is amazing!
This is awesome, Leslie!
Leslie is awesome!!!!!
Leslie rocks!
So cool! Thanks!