You are not better than me if you check your child’s sugar more than I do.
You are not better than me if you only feed your child organic food.
You are not better than me if your A1C is a whole point lower than ours.
You are not better than me if you make your own granola.
You are not better than me if your child’s wake up number is lower than my son’s.
You are not better than me if your child eats a low carb diet.
You are not better than me if you control every number that pops up on your child’s meter.
You are not better than me if your child only uses 15 units a day and my son uses 30.
You are not better than me if you limit your child’s carb intake.
You are not better than me if you change your lancet at every poke.
You are not better than me if your child was in DKA at diagnosis.
You are not better than me if your child has been to the ER for high blood sugars.
You are not better than me if your 7 year old gives his own shots.
You are not better than me if your 15 year old does not check his own sugar yet.
You are not better than me.
I am not better than you.
We are simply soldiers…fighting in the same war…
Involuntary draft…voluntary warriors.